# Format a publication's author list
<- function(authors) {
format_authors # Split authors' names (First MI Last or First Last)
<- stringr::str_split(authors, " ")
authors_split # Format as Last, FI. or Last, FI.MI.
<- purrr::map_chr(
authors_split,function(parts) {
if (length(parts) == 3) {
sprintf("%s %s.%s.",
parts[substr(parts[2], 1, 1),
substr(parts[3], 1, 1))
else {
} sprintf("%s %s.",
parts[substr(parts[2], 1, 1))
)# Shorten long author lists
# if (length(authors_formatted) > 7) {
# authors_short <- c(authors_formatted[1:5],
# "...",
# authors_formatted[length(authors_formatted)])
# } else {
# authors_short <- authors_formatted
# }
# Make my name bold
== "Payne, A.R."] <- "<strong>Payne, A.R.</strong>"
authors_formatted[authors_formatted # Concatenate
paste(authors_formatted, collapse = ", ")
# Read bib file
<- suppressWarnings(bib2df::bib2df("works.bib")) |>
pubs # Retain relevant fields and format author list
dplyrauthors = purrr::map_chr(AUTHOR, format_authors),
title = TITLE,
journal = JOURNAL,
year = YEAR
) # Format in HTML. Markdown doesn't support reverse ordered lists??
dplyrpub_html = glue::glue("<li>{authors}. ({year}). {title}. <em>{journal}</em>.")
) ::pull(pub_html)
dplyr# Reverse ordered list
"<ol reversed>",
) cat()
- Beltran, R.S., Kilpatrick, A.M., Adamczak, S.K., Beumer, L.T., Czapanskiy, M.F., Davidson, S.C., McLean, B.S., Mueller, T., Payne, A.R., Soria, C.D., Weeks, B.C., Williams, T.M., Salguero-Gomez, R.. (2025). Integrating animal tracking and trait data to facilitate global ecological discoveries. Journal of Experimental Biology.
- Beltran, R.S., Payne, A.R., Kilpatrick, A.M., Hale, C.M., Reed, M., Hazen, E.L., Bograd, S.J., Jouma’a, J., Robinson, P.W., Houle, E., Matern, W., Sabah, A., Lewis, K., Sebandal, S., Coughlin, A., Valdes H.N., Penny, F., Dalrymple, S.R., Penny, H., Sherrier, M., Peterson, B., Reiter, J., LeBoeuf, B.J., Costa, D.P.. (2025). Elephant seals as ecosystem sentinels for the northeast Pacific Ocean twilight zone. Science.
- Czapanskiy, M.F., Arcila H., Munro, C., Garfield, I., Bastidas, A., Payne, A.R., Ong, K., Storm, N.A., Adachi, T., Hale, C.M., Brown, A., Robinson, P.W., Stewart, M., Abdel-Raheem, S.T., Zavaleta, E., Beltran, R.S.. (2024). Long-term studies should provide structure for inclusive education and professional development. Ecology Letters.
- Ellis, A.A., Beck, J.N., Howard, E.A., Rabearisoa, A.L., Alissa, L.M., Barasi, S., Beltran, R.S., Bernardi, G., Bernier, K., Cronin, M.R., Cruz, N., Flores, I., Gerraty, F.D., Goetz, L., Harenčár, J.G., Kroeker, K.J., Kurle, C.M., Lai, E.Y., L.R., Malakooti, N., Mason, S.E., McElfish, M.M., McNelis, M., Molinari, M.M., Munro, C., Nazario, E.C., Payne, A.R., Poudel, S., Rivera, M.G., Slimp, M., Sridhar, N.M., Tershy, B.R., Third, G.M., Uckele, K.A., Vilches, F.O., Walker, B.J., Wishingrad, V., Witte, E.C., Yeager, M.E., Young, J.K., Zilliacus, K.M., Croll, D.A.. (2024). Coalition-building for labor actions in life sciences departments: lessons from the largest academic strike in history. BioScience.
- Beltran, R.S., Kilpatrick, A.M., Picardi, S., Abrahms, B., Barrile, G.M., Oestreich, W.K., Smith, J.A., Czapanskiy, M.F., Favilla, A.B., Reisinger, R.R., Kendall-Bar, J.M., Payne, A.R., Savoca, M.S., Palance, D.G., Andrzejaczek, S., Shen, D.M., Adachi, T., Costa, D.P., Storm, N.A., Hale, C.M., Robinson, P.W.. (2024). Maximizing biological insights from instruments attached to animals. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.
- Payne, A.R., Czapanskiy, M.F., Kilpatrick, A.M., Robinson, P.W., Munro, C., Ong, K., Bastidas, A., Negrete, A.O., Theders, B., Stillwell, B., Coffey, D., Schweitzer, E., Baugh, E., Salazar, J., Chau-Pech, K., Rodrigues, M., Chavez, M., Wright, S., Rivas, S., Reiter, J., Costa, D.P., Beltran, R.S.. (2024). Reproductive success and offspring survival decline for female elephant seals past prime age. Journal of Animal Ecology.
- Markowitz, T.M., Keener, W., Webber, M.A., Payne, A.R., Lane, R.S., Fahlbusch, J.A., Calambokidis, J.. (2024). New urban habitat for endangered humpback whales: San Francisco Bay. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems.
- Cronin, M.R., Zavaleta, E.S., Beltran, R.S., Esparza, M., Payne, A.R., Termini, V., Thompson, J., Jones, M.S.. (2024). Testing the effectiveness of interactive training on sexual harassment and assault in field science. Scientific reports.
- Abdel-Raheem, S.T., Payne, A.R., Rivera, M., Sturdivant, K., W., Marquez, M.C., Turner, M., Byers, K., Ornelas, A., Beltran, R.. (2023). Oceanography’s Diversity Deficit: Identifying and Addressing Challenges for Marginalized Groups. Oceanography.
- Webber, M.A., Keener, W., Spears, A.C., Cotter, M.P., Lane, R.S., Payne, A.R., Markowitz, T.M.. (2023). New Record of California Coastal Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in Offshore Waters. Aquatic Mammals.